
Difference between Content Type and MIME Type

In day to day, Software Development process we normally encounter with this entity called Content Type and MIME Type. As the name itself sounds, Both defines type of data, that’s simple !! right ? But have you thought does only purpose this terminologies do have if they both are same. Let’s dig forward about them and see are they really same or serve more purpose than we know, Take a look at MIME type first, MIME Type MIME Type which is known as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type and also called media type generally is a standard that indicates the what kind of a document, file, or stream of bytes. It is refrenced from IETF’s  RFC 6838 . Where there are various types data available, to take care of all official MIME Types, The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible which helps us to find the most up-to-date and complete list at their Media Types page. Syntax To define MIME type, a type and it’s a subtype which gives exact information when ...

After a long while... Let's start !!

It's been almost 6 months I posted, meanwhile I was thinking about How start with ? What are those problems do software engineer face while developing an application ? Yes, I know we have a lots of problems in development but what is that one thing which will allow us to build a robust and scalable application which can serve the world for Long time. Ofcourse there is not single thing, there are architecture of application, approach towards, writing code, designing schema, maintenance, features and many other things.. So why not discuss this things one by one... I just need a little help from you, before starting this discussion let's collaborate all different methods regarding this. Next week I'll be posting firstly about versioning managed in Different OOP Languages. I'll be glad if you share the approaches used by you for versioning and help others to have an idea about it. You can drop me mail at Let's ...

Hello World !!!

It's feeling great while writing My First Blog Post for which I've dreamed throuh the years. O n the occasion of Independence Day,  I'm glad to announce my own domain,, a space to share my experiences about my career, goals, work and life,   I am Vishal Deshmukh, As Person, A Friend, A Technology Enthusiast and Son of caring mother welcomes you to my site. which is going to serve you  knowledge base through various posts. Thank you each and everyone for you direct and indirect support. Wishing you all a Happy Independence Day !! Yours, Vishal Deshmukh